Catherine Isabelle Stoever
Catherine is our lovely yoga teacher. She is educated from The Yoga School in Norway, which has a duration of 3,5 years and more than a 1000 hours. She also has editional education in post and pre natal yoga and meditation, and 15 years of experience of doing classical yoga as a pupil. She was even intruduced to yoga as a baby. Catherine also holds a Master’s degree in Musicology from the University of Oslo. She also has experience of teaching yoga and music in Norway before coming here to start her own yoga studio on our tranquil and beautiful property in the south-west of France. Recently Catherine has become a Doula, you can find out more on this site.
Vår instruktør
Catherine Isabelle er vår instruktør i yoga. Hun har 3,5 års utdannelse i yoga og meditasjon fra Yogalærerskolen i Norge med etterutdannelse i spesialyoga for gravide.
Fra tidligere har Catherine Isabelle en mastergrad i Musikkvitenskap ved Universitetet i Oslo.